Building in Nolensville

If you have any questions regarding building codes or permits in Nolensville please reach out to our Building Codes Department. Below is a description of the processes for Residential and Commercial projects.


Application Submittal:

  1. Town of Nolensville application for Building Permit

    • Plumbing, Mechanical, Sprinkler, and Deck are included in this application

  2. Inspection Requirements, Signed

  3. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Checklist signed

  4. Engineer Letter of Intent for Structural

    • ONLY if total sq. footage under roof is over 5,000 sq. ft.

  5. Contractor's License and Workman's Comp Insurance

  6. County Privilege Tax, paid

  7. Water & Sewer Tap Fees, paid

    • Contact Nolensville/College Grove Utility District and Metro Sewer

  8. Two Copies of Plot and Erosion Control Plans

  9. One Set of 11x17 House Plans, submitted electronically (email PDF or Link), stamped by Williamson County

*Builder is also required to post with the Town a non-revocable surety bond.


Once the complete application has been received, the application is submitted to the Building Official and Town Planner for approval. When the application is approved, the building codes department will reach out and inform the applicant that an Erosion Control inspection can be requested. Once this inspection passes, the applicant will receive a fee sheet with the totals for the five checks that will pay the permit fees. The department will then issue a building permit, contingent on the payment being processed successfully. Click here for fee information. Click here for a breakdown of the Residential New Build Fees.

Certificate of Occupancy:

A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued when the Final Inspections have passed, and the Building Codes, Planning, and Engineering Departments give their approval.


Application Submittal

  1. Town of Nolensville application for Plans Review

    • This application should be used if you are unable to complete the Commercial New Build Application. Electronic copy of plans should accompany this application.

  2. Town of Nolensville application for New Building Permit or Tenant Buildout

    • Plumbing, Mechanical, and Sprinkler are included in this application

    • We must have all contractor information before we can process the application. Applications with empty or TBD boxes will be considered incomplete, and therefore, will not be processed.

  3. Full set of Project Plans

  4. Contractor's License and Workman's Comp. Insurance

The Building Codes Dept. will advise on next steps for the commercial process, once we receive a completed application.

PLEASE NOTE: The plan review process takes around 10 - 14 business days from the time we receive a competed application and all required documents.


For a commercial use, any expansion, modification of the structure or change in the principal use of the structure, could necessitate a Site Development Plan and approval by the Planning Commission.  Please contact the Planning Department to determine if your project requires additional approval.